Friday, June 14, 2013

Fish - Not Fried?

One of the phenomenon that I have become aware of hosting exchange students is that people in other parts of the world don't fry everything.  Unfortunately for me, I grew up thinking the only way to eat fish was fried and with examples like Middendorf's in my backyard, I didn't see any problems with that. 
Trying to get Lukas to like fried fish.  He was an easy convert.
As I have experience students from all over the world, I realize that first they eat more fish than I do and they rarely eat it fried.  One of their favorite meals that I cook for the exchange students is baked fish.  They love it and I have to force myself to eat it.  Over the years, I have tried getting it at restaurants and was usually disappointed.  Most of the time it was dry and sometimes flavorless.  Well, the past few weeks, as I have been doing research for this blog, I have been ordering grilled, sautéed, or baked fish.  This is also because I am trying to lose some weight this summer (too much blog research).  I tried the fish at several well-known restaurants and it wasn't until today, that I found one that was not dry.  You can read my reviews of each meal on Yelp, but here are the ones I have tried recently.   

At Emeril's - New Orleans,,  I ordered the Andouille crusted drum (pictured below).  Unfortunately, I did not take a picture of mine, but it did not look like this.  I got this picture from the internet.  There was very little sauce and a lot more shoe string potatoes.  Although it looked impressive, it was difficult to eat and the fish was dry.  The fewer potatoes and the pool of sauce pictured would have helped my entrée.  I did however enjoy the whole experience of eating at Emeril's. 

The next try was a week later at Restaurant des Families in Crown Point

I ordered the Redfish Marcel (pictured).  It looked good, but again the fish was dry.  That is crabmeat and grilled shrimp on top. Once again enjoyed the company and the scenery - just not the fish.  

I was beginning to think I should give up on ordering and eating fish - unless it is fried.  I can't cook it right at home and I tried ordering out at two highly rated restaurants and still do not like it.  That was until today.  Today I ate lunch at Mila in the CBD of New Orleans,,  and I am a changed man.  The sautéed halibut (although small) was one of the best dishes I have ever eaten.  Wow, when fresh fish is cooked properly, there is nothing like it.

Not sure what made the difference, the type of fish, the freshness, the preparation.  Whatever it was I want have more.  I kept thinking on the way home where I could buy some halibut.  Still trying to figure that out, but I could eat this every day.  It was a perfect dish.  Also, the entire experience at Mila was fantastic.  They have a three course lunch menu for $20.00 and it was wonderful.  The setting and service were also top notch. 
Well, I guess I should give fish another chance.  I will keep looking to find fresh fish to cook at home and ordering grilled or sautéed fish when I think it is a place that may do it right.